Dicegeeks January Newsletter
Dicegeeks January Newsletter
You may have noticed I started giving away two PDFs when someone joins the mailing list. Some of you joined before I was offering them. In case you missed them, here they are:
10 Dungeon Maps
50 Dungeon Complications
This edition contains the monthly dungeon map I draw.
The tip this month is a player tip about playing against type. It's something GM's should encourage their players to do every once in awhile.
I included more free RPGs and resources from DriveThruRPG. They are at the bottom of this email. Check them out. You will not be disappointed.
If you haven't seen the new interviews I'm doing with RPG creators at dicegeeks.com, head on over. Many more are coming!
If you are a gamer designer or create RPG-related items, I'd love to interview you. Simply reach out to me at dicegeeks@gmail.com.
This Month's Map
I tried something a bit different with this map. The wide entrance was a first for me. I was imagining it as a grand entryway with statues and other stone carvings.
As always, if you need more maps there are 27 now on the map page at dicegeeks.com.
Also, if you would like to support my work, you can buy a PDF of 14 maps for only $1.99.
Play Against Type
Actors can become stuck playing the same role over and over again. Role-players are no different. But role-players have an advantage. We cast ourselves in a role. Actors, unless they are a select few, do not get that luxury.
Why do certain actors get typecast as the villain, or the hero, or the sidekick, or the thug? The list goes on.
It’s because they are good at it.
The same thing happens to role-players. We find a character type we like and we play a slight variation in campaign after campaign. We get experience playing that character type. We get complimented on how well we play that character type.
In short, we’re good at it.
Most role-players want to up their game, am I right? An easy way to do that is to break out of your type.
If you are always a wizard, try a warrior. If you’re always the leader, try the supporting scientist.
Look for character types that will force you out of your comfort zone. Try something new. Find a character build you’ve never thought of before. Use your creativity. That’s one of the reasons you got into role-playing games, right?
Another important aspect of playing against type is not only playing a different character type. It is playing against your type.
If you are shy, play an outgoing character. If you are outgoing, play the wallflower. If you are smart, play a dumb character. If you’re dumb… well, maybe you should watch more sports.
You’ll be uncomfortable, of course. But that’s part of the fun.
The experience will give you an opportunity to grow as a role-player. You will have to look at problems from different angles. You’ll have to think about people in new ways.
Use the next campaign to stretch yourself. Find a character that is unlike any you’ve ever played before. However, go further. Create a character that is unlike you.
I can hear the complaint already: what if I hate it? That’s fine. It’s only one campaign.
Go back to your favorite type for the next campaign. Though, I’ll bet you play that old familiar character type differently and better.
Free RPGs and Resources
This is the section where I scour DriveThruRPG for free RPG gems, so you don't have to.
Stars Without Number - I've heard good things about Stars Without Number. Now, reading through the rules, I can understand why. It creates a rich universe with its own feel. Get the free edition today!
Quill - An interesting solo RPG. I'm looking forward to giving it a try.
100 Dramatic Entrances for Your Character - These charts made me laugh out loud. If you want a fun way to introduce a character into a session or campaign, look no further.
100 Potion & Other Drink Names - A nice chart with some very creative names.
100 Surnames For Fantasy Characters - A fine list of unique surnames.
Aberrant d20 - Entire RPG about superheroes dealing the consequences of such vast power. I haven't had a chance to read much of it yet, but it sounds interesting.