Dicegeeks May Newsletter
May Newsletter
Hey all,
This issue has this month's dungeon map and a few other tidbits.
I'm really excited about how things are going here at dicegeeks. I'm working on a number of projects that, hopefully, I'll be able to release soon. However, I am a one-man show, so there are always obstacles to getting things done.
RPGs had to take a backseat for awhile this month, but I'm getting to GM in just a few days. I'm continuing my epic Star Wars Jedi campaign. Wish me luck!
Keep gaming!
The Corridor of Pantrakahs
Here's this month's map. I kind of went a little crazy with stairs in this one. As always, I'm learning and experimenting. I hope you enjoy it.
The Corridor of Pantrakahs - Download PDF
Mountains Terrain Guide - FREE PDF
I wrote another terrain guide. I was hoping to get GM's and DM's creativity flowing a bit. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Mountain Guide - Download PDF
ANARCHY - Price Changing
The PDF of the OpenD6 game I published is currently listed as 'Pay What You Want', however the price will be going up to $2.99 soon. Grab it now.
ANARCHY - Pay What You Want
If you would like Anarchy as a book instead, it is available at Amazon.
Fragged Empire Creator Interview
I interviewed a number of interesting RPG creators recently on dicegeeks.com. If you haven't read the Fragged Empire interview, check it out now.
Fragged Empire Interview
Growing and Growing
I have many projects in the works. Check out my store on DriveThruRPG.
Dicegeeks on DriveThruRPG