Realms of Understreet Released
Fantasy Kingdoms of Rats Living and Warring beneath Manhattan
Tooth and Claw – Sword and Scabbard – Magic and Myth – These are not your average rats.
Kings and nobles vie for power in a swirling labyrinth of political intrigue. Warriors and wizards battle for treasure, knowledge, and adventure. Peasants and farmers eke out an existence.
Scavenge through items discarded by fearsome giants to fashion clothes, weapons, armor, and homes.
This PDF is a taste of the D&D OGL 5e campaign setting, Realms of Understreet. Your players take on roles of rats, mice, and other creatures living in the sewers of Manhattan Island.
1D100 scavenge list
Details on a number of kingdoms
Explanations of how to play as rats
If the setting proves popular, original classes, feats, backgrounds, and a map will be created. However, this PDF contains enough material for DM's and GM's to give their players an introduction to Realms of Understreet.
Get it now: Realms of Understreet PDF - Pay What You Want
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