Dicegeeks November Newsletter
This month's newsletter includes a GM tip and a player tip plus a few other goodies.
I released Realms of Understreet, a setting for 5e. I'm very excited about the feedback I'm recieving. If you haven't grabbed your copy yet, snap it up now. It is listed as 'Pay What You Want.'
Also, I'm working on ways to expand the newsletter content. I want to be able to provide you with as much value as I can. So please keep and eye out for more developments.
Keep gaming!
This Month's Free Dungeon Map
I tried to give this dungeon a grand feeling. I made some wide open spaces and places game masters could use as throne rooms.
The Hall of Kytra - Free PDF
Port Master's Office - Free 1D100 List
This random list was created by a friend in my gaming group. If your players are ever ransacking a port, this will come in handy. Plus it's free.
Port Master's Office - Free PDF
GM Tip - "Deal with the Devil" Mechanic
I heard about this simple trick a few weeks ago and decided to steal/borrow it. It is a device for adding complications and interest to skill rolls.
If a player is facing a difficult skill roll, offer them a modifier in exchange for something bad that will happen in the future. Basically it is trading a higher chance of success now for a consequence later.
The party needs to persuade the king to grant them permission to cross his hunting grounds. The roll will be very difficult for the face character in the group.
The GM offers a "deal with the devil" modifier.
The players discuss the situation and believe the extra help is needed on the roll. The GM asks them to create a consequence. The players decide that the king, by granting them this favor, will anger a prominent noble in the realm.
The player rolls and succeeds. The party goes about their mission. However, they have an enemy that will show up sometime in the future.
As the GM, simply decide the appropriate modifier for the system you are using. Then have the players come up with the consequence. This keeps you as the GM from doing extra work. Also, if the players create the consequence, they will have fewer objections when it comes back to bite them.
Just make sure the consequence carries some weight to it. Don't give out a free bonus modifier.
Whether or not the consequence happens regardless of success, is of course up to the GM. If the modifier is good by all means make this a tough choice for the player.
I plan on trying this in my next. I hope it gives you some ideas to add some spice into skill rolls.
Player Tip - A Picture of Your Character
If you are an artist, it has always been easy to create a sketch your characters. I remember growing up with several friends who could draw well. They were able to represent their characters in ways I never could.
As I’ve gotten older my drawing hasn’t improved, but I’ve wised up a bit. Also, technology has advanced a long way as well.
Now, I’m not suggesting you learn how to use some complicated drawing software and spend hours away from your family and friends creating a portrait.
What I’m suggesting is that you consult the big “G.” Yup that’s right, Google. Specially, Google Images.
Look for actors or actresses that you feel represent your character. This works great for elves, dwarves, halflings, and, of course, humans. But, you can find other great creature artwork as well. Just get creative with your search queries.
Plus, you are sure to find outfits, armor and weapons online as well. Again, creative search queries will find you a treasure trove of images.
If the images do not match your character concept exactly, note the differences when discussing your character with the GM and other players.
This suggestion may sound simplistic. But once you try it, you’ll love it.
I tried this with my Star Wars group a couple of years ago and they all had a blast finding images for their characters.
They all agreed it helped them get into character. So, what are you waiting for? Start Googling.
Pro-tip for GM's and DM's
Use this same technique to find images of your NPC's. Players love it.
Free Stuff on DriveThruRPG
Here are a few free titles that I checked out and thought were interesting.
Star Ascension: FREE Quick Start
Dragon Embracer (5e Class)
Interesting Inn Series #1 Sail's End
Dicegeeks RPG Resources
Please check out my other RPG resources at DriveThruRPG. Most are free!