Dicegeeks December Newsletter
I am striving to make 2018 the best year for dicegeeks yet. I want to provide as much value to you as I can.
Each month I will be releasing a random 1D100 table, a simple city map, and a dungeon map. Of course, they will be free.
I am planning on writing more blog posts, game aids, and supplements as well.
Keep gaming!
Blog Posts
After receiving a number of questions, I created a page about the resources I use to self-publish RPGs.
RPG Self Publishing Resources
I've been reading sci-fi RPGs and was able to run a session of Stars Without Number recently. I created a list of sci-fi RPGs.
The Best Sci-Fi Tabletop RPGs
This fall I ran a campaign of my game Anarchy while I was preparing the setting book. I wrote a short blog post about the campaign finale.
As dusk gives way to night...
This Month's Free Dungeon Map
The Temple of Sa-Vin was an architectural wonder. Now, it lies in ruins and its builders are long forgotten.
The Temple of Sa-Vin
Dungeons for the Master
I redid the layout of the massive 1D100 table in this book. It makes the table easier to wield. Plus I added artwork and redesigned the cover.
ANARCHY: Post-Apocalyptic Role-Playing
This has been my passion project since I was a teenager.
In addition to some general clean up, I created character types for play 15 years after the nuclear war. Also, I added new artwork and completely redesigned the cover.
Dicegeeks RPG Resources
Please check out my other RPG resources at DriveThruRPG. Most are free!