RPG Self Publishing Survey #2
Second RPG Self Publishing Survey
Thank you so much for taking the first survey! Please take the second survey.
First Survey Results
The results of the first survey are helping me tremendously to understand what type of material I need to create to help you begin self-publishing.
Most people said that they know a little about self-publishing. However, they were a lot of people who said they know nothing about it. That's ok. We all have to start somewhere.
The money question was split 50/50. You can spend (waste) a lot of money on self-publishing, but you do not have to. There are costs involved, but self-publishing is very affordable.
The majority of respondents said they have written a game or resource, but they haven't published it.
Only one person has ever published an RPG resource.
The vast majority say they have no clue how to market their game once it is published.
If you haven't taken the first survey, please do. It just takes a minute: Click to Take the First Survey
As I said I will creating some resources to help you get started self-publishing, so please stay tuned.
Keep Gaming!