Second Survey Results
The Second Survey Results
Thank you so much for taking the second survey. Here's a quick rundown of the results.
The vast majority use DriveThruRPG to buy books and PDFs. Another clear majority said they have no or little design experience.
Most have heard of the OGL, but about half of those said they do not understand it.
The biggest concern about self-publishing is clearly making enough money to justify the time investment.
Next Steps
I collected the data from the surveys and I am using it to create helpful resources for you.
Shortly, I will have some helpful tips and tricks for you so you can get started.
“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” - Friedrich Nietzsche
As for you, the first step should be to consider why you want to self-publish. Get clear on what you want to accomplish.
Is self-publishing a personal bucket list item? Do you want to start a business? Do you simply want to share your creations with others?
There are no wrong answers here. We all have different reasons for wanting to self-publish.
Don't overwhelm yourself by thinking too far ahead. Just think about why you want to do this.
Once you have your "why" it is just a matter of gaining knowledge, learning some skills, and determination.
Ok, stay tuned. More will be coming soon.
Keep Gaming!