How to Handle Criticism
How to Handle Criticism
Once you begin to self-publish you and your work will be criticized. People will hit you with negative reviews that are unfair and they will hurt your sales.
When you get that first negative you will be angry, so take a break. Do not respond right away or at all.
When I get negative reviews I still get angry. I want to yell, "I'm only one guy doing the best he can!"
When you can be emotionally detached see if there is any merit in the review. If there is, take it and use it to make better products.
However, keep in mind you could make the best book in the world and someone will still criticize it unfairly.
"Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing, and you’ll never be criticized." - Elbert Hubbard
The only way to avoid criticism is to do nothing. Don't take that road. The world needs more creators and fewer critics.
Always do your best work and strive to do better on the next project.
Keep Gaming!