Struggling to Keep Up
I feel I should apologize. I'm having trouble keeping up these tips and all the work I need to do on dicegeeks.
This is especially ironic since I just sent out an email on productivity.
I'm going to have to slow down sending out the self-publishing tips for a while. Two updates per week have been a bit much.
So I thought I own an apology.
I am working on a book of adventure ideas (as some of you know) and I want to get it finished and published soon.
Also, the new baby is demanding. Plus I'm gearing up for another convention and I'm working on The Book of Random Tables 3.
Look for a tip once or twice a month until the new book is done.
Do Not Unsubscribe
You are all part of the beta group, so you will get anything self-publishing related first.
Also, a little break will give you some time to take action and start self-publishing, if you haven't already.
In the Meantime
In the meantime, be sure to be creating products and learning by experimentation.
Also, if you haven't picked up the Audience Building guide, I would encourage you to do so.
Yes, it's a product I'm selling. However, it can really help you when you are first starting out. It gives you a plan, so you are not working blindly.
Patreon Revamp
I've revamped my Patreon to include some extras on self-publishing, you can check it out here. One is a private forum where we can discuss self-publishing.
I would be honored if you would even consider supporting my work. The more Patrons I get the more time I can dedicate to creating content that is helpful for you.
Thank you and I'll be checking in soon.
Keep Gaming!