Make Time, Don't Find Time
If you really want to self-publish, you should really stop trying to "find time" and start "making time."
Hey, I get it you're swamped. So am I.
I have three boys under five, a lovely wife, a house to fix, a lawn to cut, other family and community obligations, plus a full-time job.
However, I really want to self-publish, so I have made time to do it.
Look for Time
Take a look at your schedule and honestly consider how you are using your time.
I did this and it was rough. Actually, I'm ashamed to admit how I was using some of my time.
I discovered I was spending about a half hour or 45 minutes on Facebook about three or four nights a week after work.
I realized I was spending another hour or two several nights a week watching nonsensical youtube videos or playing video games.
I stopped doing those things. That gave me time to use for self-publishing.
See if there is anything you can cut or if there are ways you can use your time better.
Are there 20 minutes here or 30 minutes there that you can turn into time to work on self-publishing?
Now even though I spend two to three hours a night three to four nights a week working on dicegeeks, I spend more time with my wife and kids.
The constant scroll of social media and the easy access of a smartphone suck up time like crazy!
Google Docs
Google Docs gave me a huge productivity boost. The voice typing is amazing. I now use time during my lunch at work to dictate books and emails. This has helped me speed up considerably.
Keep Gaming!