City Map - dicegeeks
Free City Map
The river and the protected harbor has allowed Seaward grow slowly over the decades. However, rumors of pirates and one missing ship have disturbed the calm.
What I'm Looking Into
I've been poking around DriveThruRPG and are a few books I'm thinking about picking up.
The Codex of the Black Sun: Sorcery for Stars Without Number - I love Stars Without Number, so throwing magic into the mix sounds great. Definitely, thinking about buying this.
Forbidden Lands Core Game - I am so tempted to buy this book. The artwork is amazing. The concept of the game sounds fun as well, but the artwork!
John Carter of Mars Core Rulebook - I love the Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars series. I doubt my group would ever want to play it. However, I may pick it up just so I can read it and dream.
Keep Gaming!