Gamemaster Evolution
My evolution as a gamemaster
Check out the first post in my blog series about no prep GMing.
These are some of my raw thoughts about how I run RPGs. I hope you find them helpful. There are more posts coming each week.
RPG Wishlist
Artifacts of the Wastelands - This is a little post-apocalyptic treat. I may pick it up here soon. It's geared for D20 system which is perfect because I've been thinking about trying sci-fi with 5e.
Genesys Core Rulebook - This is the universal system based on Fantasy Flight Games' Stars Wars system. The couple of times I got to play FFG Star Wars it was a ton of fun. I'd like to see what the system could do in a fantasy setting.
D&D Rules Cyclopedia (Basic) - I have always wanted to check this out. I loved playing Basic D&D back in the day.
Keep Gaming!