Short Interview - dicegeeks
Dungeons & Randomness Interview
I had the chance to talk with Jason from the Dungeons & Randomness podcast about their upcoming event.
For those who do not know, what is Dungeons and Randomness?
“Dungeons and Randomness” is a D&D podcast that takes place in the world of Theria. Obviously, there are tons of RPG podcasts these days. I suppose the hook of our show would be that there are multiple groups all traveling in the same world at the same time. Our show is all about player choice and how that might change things for the world itself. Even if it’s in some small way, the butterfly effect is something that we’re all keeping an eye on throughout the shows run. There are currently 18 players on the cast and 3 groups of adventurers all after something different. We’ve been at it for 7 years now and it shows no signs of slowing down.
What should a new listener know before jumping in?
There’s a lot of content. We’ve created over 260 episodes of the show and that’s a lot to catch up on. That’s why we created ‘jump on points” for new listeners. Whenever we start a new Arc, we create a recap for the previous one so that people can catch up quickly and not feel left behind. The other thing that I’d mention is that Theria is a pretty big place and we like to focus on every aspect of it. It’s not just about the “big adventures”. It’s about how these people live in the world and the relationships they form along the way. Saving the planet doesn’t mean a whole lot unless there are attachments to what’s on it.
What is the Theriathon and how can people tune in?
A: Theriathon is an event that we started 5 years ago. It’s a 12 hour streaming marathon where we celebrate our anniversary, broadcast episodes live and generally hang out with our audience. It’s always a big deal for us because we don’t generally play live. We always try to put a ton of effort into it and keep everyone engaged. This year is extra special for us because we’re launching our Kickstarter. The whole thing takes place on April 20th at 12pm EST on our Twitch channel.
Can you give us more details on the Kickstarter campaign?
A: For years we’ve had an amazing connection to our listeners. Without them, there would be no show. They’ve asked us for details about the world in so many different ways that we started working on a setting book a couple of years ago. We realized pretty early on that there was simply too much to put in a single book so we decided to tackle each continent at a time. We’ve gathered some amazing artists, cartographers, and designers to create something we can be truly proud of. The campaign kicks off on Theriathon during our 7th anniversary. The finished product should be a beautiful hardcover book that’s over 300+ pages and filled to brim with amazing illustrations, NPC’s and details.
How Combat Helps GMs
Gamemasters need time to think during a session. Other times you need a place to start your campaign or session.
If you are playing Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder or another combat heavy tabletop RPG, you’re in luck.
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