New Book, Personal Update - dicegeeks
Dealing with Loss
Sorry for starting off with a personal update. I don't mean to dump some baggage on you or anything, but I thought it was important to let you know a little of what's going on.
My wife and I lost a baby over the weekend at about 14 weeks. We are doing well and have amazing support from family and friends. We have three other boys that are keeping us busy and happy.
I'm a little out of sorts, but I'm working to get back into the flow of writing and creating. So I'm sorry if things are a little crazy for a while.
Please keep reading this email. You will find an outstanding podcast episode as well as a new book of random tables.
AD&D to Elder Scrolls Online and the Gaming Industry with Mike Breault
I talk role-playing games and video games with Webster University Assistant Professor, Mike Breault. Mike’s gaming industry career began at TSR in the 1980s working on Advanced Dungeons & Dungeons.
After working on Pool of Radiance, the first D&D video game, Mike left TSR to focus on digital games. That switch led him to work on Call of Duty, Far Cry 3, The Elder Scrolls Online, and many other video games.
Now, he teaches at game design at Webster University helping to prepare the next generation of role-playing game and video game designers.
The Book of Random Tables: Modern
Do you play superhero or other modern-setting tabletop RPGs? Cut down your gamemaster prep with 48 1D100 random tables.
Speed up play at the gaming table with random tables like Mission Hooks, Random Encounters, Items in a Ship Cargo Hold, Items in a Car, Books, Items in a Warehouse, Names, and much more all geared for tabletop RPGs with modern settings.
The Book of Random Tables: Modern - PDF
The Book of Random Tables: Modern - Paperback
Keep Gaming!