New Podcast Episode - dicegeeks
Realms of Understreet, Crypt Monkey Games, and Gamemastery with Ty Rucker
Gamemaster and game designer Ty Rucker visits the Tabletop RPG Show today. We talk about running tabletop RPGs as well as how Ty and his gaming group play the Realms of Understreet 5e campaign setting I created.
Ty is also one of the founders of Crypt Monkey Games and we discuss his games Jack the Ripper, House of Possession, and an upcoming post-apocalyptic tabletop RPG.
The Book of Random Tables
If you haven't checked out my book recently, here are a couple of links. My books of random tables help you cut down GM prep and have more fun at the gaming table.
List of Paperbacks on Amazon
List of PDFs on DriveThruRPG
Keep Gaming!