Age of Myth and More - dicegeeks
Age of Myth 5E Supplement Designer Brett Peterson Talks Kickstarter and OGL
Want to add some mythology into your D&D games? Game designer and creator of Age of Myth, Brett Peterson, joins me on the podcast to discuss the 5E supplement.
Age of Myth is an ancient world setting for D&D 5E that focuses on elements from Greece, Roman, Egyptian, and the ancient Mediterranean. In the podcast, we talk about the new classes, backgrounds, and setting material provided.
We also talk about the challenges of running a Kickstarter, thoughts on publishing, and the Open Game License.
RPG Wishlist
Genesys Expanded Player's Guide - I love the FFG Star Wars system, so I've been seriously considering getting Genesys. The narrative system is just so much fun.
Shadow of the Beanstalk - A cyberpunk supplement for Genesys. Cyberpunk is enjoying a wave of popularity right now and this looks really cool.
Gamma Zine #2 - Most of you know I have a soft spot for post-apocalyptic games. This is some extra material for PA games and it looks awesome.
5e: HARDCORE MODE - Make 5E more deadly? Why not? And heck, it's only $3.50.
Heroic Talents: New Feats for Adventurers - A couple of bucks for more feats? Done.
D&D Recommended Reading
New blog post! I gathered up the different recommended reading lists from the various core D&D books. Check it out here.
I'm a believer that by reading more we can become better storytellers, so exploring these books will help us be better players and GMs.
Keep Gaming!