D&D in Space - dicegeeks
D&D in Space with Spaceships and Starwyrms Co-Designer Ben Quiggins
Spaceships and Starwyrms is a 5E supplement that takes the D&D OGL into a whole other galaxy. Ben Quiggins the co-designer stops by the podcast to share the details on Spaceships and Starwyrms. We delve into the character and class options, the original setting, playable races, plus we discuss influences on the creation of the supplement.
Such Times
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
I thought I would share some wise words provided by Professor Tolkien. I hope everyone is safe and well during the current pandemic.
If you are in quarantine or you are self-insolating, take some of this time to hug those that are near and call those that are far away.
Watch some shows or movies, read a gook book, and play games. However, if you find you have some time, don't waste it. Work on that RPG you want to create. Start writing that novel. After all, this is the time we have given, let's use it wisely.
I didn't want to do some "quarantine special sale" or anything like that. I just thought I would share some powerful words and a little advice.
Keep Gaming!