Why Gamemasters Should Improvise - dicegeeks
Why Gamemasters Should Improvise with Darren Pearce (Dr. Who, Judge Dredd)
Darren W. Pearce was kind enough to join me on the Dicegeeks podcast today. He is a writer and game designer with lots of experience in the tabletop RPG industry. Some of his game design credits include Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD, the Doctor Who RPG, as well as Shaintar from Savage Mojo.
We discuss his career writing for RPGs. Plus we talk about why gamemasters should improvise more among other topics.
Five hundred years ago, the Grand Kingdom fell... Now, who will restore it?
Check out The King's Road: An Epic Fantasy RPG Campaign. It is a campaign I wrote and it is FREE.
I'm hard at work on more books and more random tables. Hopefully, I'll have some news to share soon.
The podcast continues to be a focus and it is evolving. I am working hard to be a better host and a better interviewer. If you haven't listened to an episode yet you can find the podcast on dicegeeks.com and anywhere you listen to podcasts like Apple and others.
Keep Gaming!