The Future of the RPG Industry - dicegeeks
Watching Tabletop RPGs Online the Future of the Gaming Industry with Cat Tobin
Cat Tobin, co-owner and CEO of Pelgrane Press, returns to the podcast. We discuss the future of tabletop role-playing games as an industry and as a hobby. The conversation delves into the phenomenon of watching people play TTRPGs online. Cat also lets us know how Pelgrane Press is handling the changing nature of the RPG hobby and what new RPGs they are releasing soon.
Apple Podcast Link
More Softcovers on DriveThruRPG
I've been busy! I had to recreate a lot of my old book files, so I could get the paperbacks up on DriveThruRPG. Well, here are some more!
The Book of Random Tables 2
The Book of Random Tables 3
The Book of Random Tables 4
RPG Wishlist
Beasts of Flesh and Steel
Against the Darkmaster Core Rules
Battlelords - Character Sheets (6th Edition)
Space Knights
The Red Book of Magic
WFRP: Middenheim: City of the White Wolf
WFRP: Archives of the Empire
Talisman Adventures Fantasy Roleplaying Game
My Dad's Monster Manual
Encounters in Port Nyanzaru
Traders & Merchants! Inventories for 30 different types of merchants!
The Gray Merchant of Asphodel: 100+ Theros Magic Items
The Arcane Tailor
Artificer, Archetype Lord of Beasts
Treat Yourself
Get yourself something for Christmas. I have tons of PDFs that will impact your games today: Dicegeeks on DriveThruRPG
Also, I have a ton of free resources on Check it out.
Keep Gaming!