The Lazy Dungeon Master - dicegeeks
The Lazy Dungeon Master, Fantastic Lairs with Mike Shea
Podcast host, writer, and RPG designer, Mike Shea visits the podcast today. Mike is the author behind The Lazy Dungeon Master and The Return of the Dungeon Master. Plus he runs the website We discuss DM advice, good D&D 5e boss fights, and his new book Fantastic Lairs.
The Great Book of Random Tables
The Great Book of Random Tables hit the Electrum Bestseller status on DriveThruRPG! I'm so happy people are enjoying the book.
Dune - Adventures in the Imperium – Core Rulebook Standard Edition
Oh my goodness... I read and enjoyed Dune years ago and I actually liked the old movie that everyone else says is bad. This RPG has me excited!
Dune - Adventures in the Imperium – Core Rulebook Standard Edition - DriveThruRPG
RPG Wishlist
Wizard Adventure Kit [BUNDLE]
The Blackstaff's Book of 1000 Spells
Puzzles, Predicaments, and Perplexities III
Taverns, Inns, and Taprooms
Epic Characters
The Coriolis Community Atlas
Whitehack Third Edition
Tarnhelm's Tome of Wonder (Tablet-Digest)
Mythic Magazine Volume 4
Warlock! Bridgetown
The King's Road: An Epic Fantasy RPG Campaign - FREE
I created this a while back and I am still offering it for free!
"I've only read the first chapter, but I'm HOOKED. I love the way you've laid out the information, and I love this world!" - magnificent_hat, Reddit
Five hundred years ago, the Grand Kingdom fell... Now, who will restore it?
The party is given an ivory sphere about the size of a baseball that they are to take to the former capital of the Grand Kingdom. To reach the city they simply need to follow the King’s Road, which of course, is easier said than done.
The King’s Road is a stone road that leads from east to west. It originates from the old capital of the Grand Kingdom and terminates at the seaport called Elvesport from which the party embarks.
Enjoy the journey, for the destination, maybe nothing you expected.
The King's Road: An Epic Fantasy RPG Campaign - DriveThruRPG
Keep Gaming!