One-on-One D&D Adventures - dicegeeks
D&D One-On-One Adventures, Novel Writing with Beth Ball
RPG adventure designer and novelist Beth Ball drops in on the podcast today. Beth and I have a wide-ranging conversation discussing playing role-playing games with one gamemaster and one player, sometimes called one-on-one or duet play.
We talk about strategies for effective one-on-one role-playing. We touch on the dreaded gamemaster player character (GMPC) and how it can be used correctly in duet RPGs. Beth gives us insights into writing and designing D&D duet adventures.
Plus Beth and I dive into novel writing and discuss our experiences and processes of writing our books.
RPG Wishlist
Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming
Galder's Gazetteer
The Terrain Randomizer
Ptolus: Monte Cook's City by the Spire
I Was Interviewed!
I dropped in on The Geezers of the Game podcast. Check out the episode. I talk about my gaming history and publishing RPG content.
Dicegeeks Update
As always work continues here at dicegeeks. I have several projects in the works. More random tables are coming soon.
Also, I have written a novel. It's been professionally edited and I've hired a cover designer as well. I'll be sharing more updates on that in the future.
Keep Gaming!