Interview with Director James L. Conway - dicegeeks
Interview with Director James L. Conway (Star Trek TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, Smallville, Charmed)
Director, producer, and author, James L. Conway, joins me on the show today. We discuss his television directing career including shows like MacGyver, Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: ENT, Smallville, Charmed, The Magicians, and many more.
I ask James about storytelling, directing, writing, and more. We talk about his time working on various Star Trek shows and how he was a fan of the original series. The discussion ranges from his television work into novel writing, and more.
RPG Wishlist
Mythic Babylon
Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Galder's Gazetteer
SCP The Tabletop RPG
Five Parsecs From Home - Solo Adventure Wargaming
Lowlife 2090
Star of Alladore: The Official Rangers of Shadow Deep Fanzine
Dicegeeks Update
Be sure to check out my DriveThruRPG Store. I have some new releases like The Great Book of Random Tables and The Book of Random Tables: Steampunk.
I have more random tables in the works. I'm working on tables for the ancient world, fantasy tables, and more.
Plus even more exciting RPG resources are coming. Stay tuned!
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