West End Games to Pendragon RPG - dicegeeks
West End Games to Pendragon RPG with Peter Corless
Today, my guest is Peter Corless, a game designer who worked for West End Games and once owned the Pendragon RPG. In our conversation, we discuss his work on the Paranoia RPG and how he drew the map of the Millennium Falcon map for the WEG Star Wars RPG. We talk about Pendragon and what sets it apart from other role-playing games.
Check out the show notes and listen
From the Podcast
Links from items discussed in the podcast. Be sure to check out the Pendragon RPG if you've never seen it before.
King Arthur Pendragon: 4th Edition - DriveThruRPG
King Arthur Pendragon: 1st Edition - DriveThruRPG
The Great Pendragon Campaign - DriveThruRPG
Cthulhu Mythos Sale on DriveThruRPG
My book, The Book of Random Tables: 1920s-1930s, is on sale right now. Check it out. It is a Gold Seller and is highly reviewed.
Also, check out the whole Cthulhu Mythos Sale over at DraveThruRPG for deals on all Cthulhu-related titles.
RPG Wishlist
Blue Alley
Curtain Call: A Sharn Adventure
Ruins of Mezro
Jarlaxle's Bag of Everything
Monster Manual Expanded III (5E)
Fighter Archetype: Arcane Duellist
Arena of Champions - The Split-soul Ranger: A New Ranger Conclave
The NPC Handbook
Mothership: Chromatic Transference
Dungeon Atlas, Volume 1
BattleTech: ilClan
Tome of Mystical Tattoos
Doctor Who: The Roleplaying Game Second Edition
Deepnight Revelation: Voidshore
2300AD & Traveller Core Rulebook [BUNDLE]
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