Architecture Feud, Piasa Bird, Scam Colony - dicegeeks
Architecture Feud, Piasa Bird, Scam Colony with Tristan Zimmerman
Writer and game designer, Tristan Zimmerman, returns to the podcast today. Tristan and I discuss three historical topics and situations you can use in your RPG campaigns right now. We tackle a Florentine feud, the genesis of the mysterious Piasa bird, and a scam colony in the South Seas. Tristan and I give you tips and scenarios for how you can work these topics into your role-playing game sessions and campaigns today.
Check out the show notes and listen
Forged Among Stars: An Actual Play RPG Podcast
My experiment continues with new episodes of my solo actual play podcast. I have a number of episodes released with more recorded. New episodes will drop on Mondays.
A solo play-through of Ironsworn: Starforged, science fiction tabletop RPG. Follow the adventures of Hawking Duval, a diplomat turned tomb raider, as he seeks to write his destiny among the stars. Presented by
120 D100 Random Tables for Fantasy Tabletop Role-Playing Games
Cut down game master prep time with random tables. Don't waste time prepping what your players will never see. Use these tables to fill in details on the fly.
Grab the PDF Now on DriveThruRPG
In this book, you will find 1000 book titles, critical success and fail flavor tables, 600 random items in dungeon rooms, encounters, odd jobs, rumors, food, more than 3000 items and things, more than 1000 names, 500 town names, NPC descriptions, dungeon health side effects, fortunes, insults, mutations, and more.
Many of these tables first appeared in the following books. However, all the tables are re-edited, reorganized, and improved (some with more than 50% new items). Plus a number of new tables are included.
The Book of Random Tables
The Book of Random Tables 2
The Book of Random Tables 3
The Book of Random Tables 4
The Bookhounds of Eberron
Keep Gaming!