Advice for Creators, Future of Storytelling - dicegeeks
Advice for Creators, the Future of Storytelling with Houston Howard
Transmedia author and longtime role-player, Houston Howard, joins me on the podcast today. We have an outstanding conversation on a vast array of topics around role-playing, storytelling, and what small creators need to do. We learn Houston’s RPG history includes the old West End Games Star Wars D6 system.
We cover game master advice, advice for small publishers and writers, and how you can tell your idea is good. We dive into how television shows, filmmaking, and movies are changing. Plus we have a complete one hundred percent geek discussion on The Last Jedi.
Check out the show notes and listen
Dungeon for the Master 2 PDF Now Available
111 Original Dungeon Maps and Four D100 Random Item Tables
Dungeons for the Master 2 includes 111 original dungeon maps and four D100 random item tables. This is a notebook where you craft and create your own dungeons using the maps provided with plenty of space to write down notes.
Dungeons for the Master 2: 111 Dungeon Maps for Fantasy RPGs - CLICK HERE
Grab a map for your next RPG session and let your imagination create an incredible adventure. Use the random tables to fill the dungeon room with items quickly. The 111 maps are found nowhere else and were created specifically for this book.
About this Book:
111 Dungeon maps
All original designs
Space for notes
Partially ruled pages
Blank space for math
Four random tables
Use with fantasy RPGs
Cut down GM prep
Always have a map ready
232 pages
120 D100 Random Tables for Fantasy Tabletop Role-Playing Games
Cut down game master prep time with random tables. Don't waste time prepping what your players will never see. Use these tables to fill in details on the fly.
The Great Book of Random Tables - DriveThruRPG - CLICK HERE
In this book, you will find 1000 book titles, critical success and fail flavor tables, 600 random items in dungeon rooms, encounters, odd jobs, rumors, food, more than 3000 items and things, more than 1000 names, 500 town names, NPC descriptions, dungeon health side effects, fortunes, insults, mutations, and more.
Many of these tables first appeared in the following books. However, all the tables are re-edited, reorganized, and improved (some with more than 50% new items). Plus a number of new tables are included.
The Book of Random Tables
The Book of Random Tables 2
The Book of Random Tables 3
The Book of Random Tables 4
The Bookhounds of Eberron
RPG Wishlist
Soulbound: Champions of Destruction
Somnus Domina: Crystal Tieflings (5e Race Expansion)
Twilight: 2000 4th Edition Core Set
Break the Horizon: Numenera
Ukraine Relief Bundles
Keep Gaming!