Random Tables Special - dicegeeks
A host of my books at a price that has never been this low. Check out the Bundle.
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From the bundle description:
Adventurer! This Dicegeeks Random Tables Quick Deal presents the Platinum-selling Great Book of Random Tables and other dicegeeks ebooks of tables, towns, and dungeons suitable for any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game. With these hundreds of percentile tables, never again will you be caught at your gaming table without a scenario or encounter.
For just US$9.95 you get all eight titles in our Geek Collection (retail value $50) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete 174-page Great Book of Random Tables; four collections of dungeon and town layouts (51 Dungeons, Dungeons for the Master 1 and 2, and Fantasy Towns); and three Quest volumes in the Random Tables series.
Spy-Infested Village, Olympic Spirits, Scholarly NPCs with Tristan Zimmerman - PODCAST
Writer and RPG game designer Tristan Zimmerman returns to the podcast. We tackle historical situations you can use in your role-playing games and Dungeons and Dragons today.
First, we touch on Montaillou a spy-infested anthill village that can give player characters major headaches. Then we move on to Olympic spirits from the Arbatel’s Grimoire. After that, we dive headlong into scholarly NPCs from Aubrey’s Lives.
Take your RPG campaigns to the next level by using real history.
Check out the show notes and listen
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