Fantasy Shops Random Tables - dicegeeks
The Book of Random Tables: Fantasy Shops
Generate Shops for Fantasy Role-Playing Games
Players will often want to explore cities as much as they want to explore the wilderness. Not only do shops offer goods and services for the player characters, but they can also be a valuable resource in handing out quests or building story hooks.
The Book of Random Tables: Fantasy Shops - DriveThruRPG - CLICK HERE
The Book of Random Tables: Fantasy Shops - Amazon - CLICK HERE
Twenty Shop types with myriads of combinations: Armor, Barber, Books, Bowyer, Brewery, Divination, Fletcher, General Store, Macabre & Oddities, Magic Pets, Medicine, Music, Potions, Robes, Tack, Tailor, Toys & Tinkers, Wands, Weapons, and Writing Supplies.
Each shop has naming options plus special and mundane wares. Also, DMs or GMs can assume the shops have a selection of ordinary goods if desired. All are arranged in random tables, so they can be generated quickly.
Flesh out stores with Years in Business, Number of Employees, Shop Appearance tables, Person Descriptors tables, Desk and Storeroom tables, Shopkeeper Rumors, and a Secrets table.
Never tell your players there are no shops on the street. Use this resource to create a shop on the fly and populate your worlds with interesting items and non-player characters. Good luck and good shopping.
RPG Podcasting, Ironsworn with Errant Adventures' Steve Morrison
Steve Morrison from the Errant Adventures RPG podcast joins me on the podcast. Steve and I have a wide-ranging conversation covering tabletop role-playing games, writing, podcasting, and more.
We discuss his RPG podcast and explore Ironsworn and Ironsworn: Starforged, two solo RPGs designed by Shawn Tomkin. We also take time to talk about solo role-playing and Steve gives some tips on how to make solo play more fun.
Check out the show notes and listen
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