Fantasy Shops Paperback - dicegeeks
Everyday Heroes RPG with Dave Scott - PODCAST
The owner of Evil Genius Games, Dave Scott, joins me on the podcast today. We kick things off by talking about our love for Dungeons and Dragons. We then discuss Evil Genius Games’ upcoming tabletop RPG called Everyday Heroes and how it draws inspiration from 80s action movies.
Dave lets us know how the d20 Modern system was updated by creator Jeff Grubb to provide the best engine for Everyday Heroes. We jump into the deep end with a discussion of the 1979 film The Warriors and other action movies. Don’t miss out!
Check out the show notes and listen
The Book of Random Tables: Fantasy Shops - Softcover on DriveThruRPG
The paperback of Fantasy Shops is now available on DriveThruRPG. Pick it up now.
From the description:
Twenty Shop Types with myriads of combinations: Armor, Barber, Books, Bowyer, Brewery, Divination, Fletcher, General Store, Macabre & Oddities, Magic Pets, Medicine, Music, Potions, Robes, Tack, Tailor, Toys & Tinkers, Wands, Weapons, and Writing Supplies.
Each shop has naming options plus special and mundane wares. Also, DMs or GMs can assume the shops have a selection of ordinary goods if desired. All are arranged in random tables, so they can be generated quickly.
Flesh out stores with Years in Business, Number of Employees, Shop Appearance tables, Person Descriptors tables, Desk and Storeroom tables, Shopkeeper Rumors, and a Secrets table.
RPG Wishlist
Ironsworn: Starforged - Still burning up DriveThruRPG
Shadowrun: Sixth World Companion (Core Character Rulebook)
Lasers & Liches: Game Master's Beats (Beta)
Old School Solo
The Expanse: Secrets of Lemuria
The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook
Strixhaven: A Syllabus of Sorcery
Micro Dungeons: Monsters of the Realms
Keep Gaming!