RPG Resources - dicegeeks
TTRPG Resources
I've been gathering RPG resources for years at dicegeeks.com. I have SRDs, character sheets, and much more here.
An RPG designer and former guest on the dicegeeks podcast is now in a battle with cancer. He has released several products on DriveThruRPG to help with medical expenses. I wrote a short blog post with all the links.
RPG Wishlist
Monster Manual Expanded II | Roll20 VTT Compendium
The Ultimate Adventurer's Handbook
Tomb of Annihilation Companion
Suncorp's Bounty [BUNDLE]
Red Hand of Doom (3e)
1e - Legends & Lore
Through the Breach RPG - From Shadows (Expansion Book)
Trinity Continuum: Adventure!
Black Star
Synthetic Dream Machine: Eternal Return Key - CHROMADEMON EDITION
I'd enjoy hearing from you
If you have any questions for me or would like to request any random tables, please let me know. Just reply to this email and I'll do my best to respond quicky.
Keep Gaming!
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Are you running a Kickstarter or promoting an RPG product? Please email me at matt@dicegeeks.com for newsletter advertising rates.