Dicegeeks Update
Last December, I set a goal to release 12 new books in 2023. I fell short.
It was a lofty goal. The most books I had ever produced in a year was 10, during the COVID-19 quarantine year.
In 2023, I published only eight books, which I'll list below. Most were completed during the spring and fall. However, I wasn't idle during the summer.
I was distracted because my family and I took a couple of road trips. Additionally, I dabbled in creating YouTube videos.
Furthermore, I was engrossed in creating a large book, which proved to be a challenging task. However, I had a breakthrough last week, and all the content has finally been proofread and completed.
Since then, I've been hard at work on the layout of this tome, gathering public domain art, and tweaking pages. As of writing this, I still need to create the table of contents, write the "How to Use this Book" section, and purchase some stock art.
The book will likely be released in January (hopefully), and I can tell you this much—it will contain more than 130 random tables.
I always try to take some time at the end of the year to reflect and begin planning for the future. I'll keep you updated on what I'm considering for 2024.
As always, I love hearing from all of you. If you have any thoughts or ideas, please reply to this email.
Dicegeeks Books Released in 2023
I also released this free product: 5e Character Sheet Dungeon Map - FREE
Keep Gaming!
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