Pulp, Eldritch, and Dieselpunk - dicegeeks
The Great Book of Random Tables: World Between Wars
Do you play a tabletop RPG set in the 1920s or 1930s? 124 random tables for Pulp, Eldritch, and Dieselpunk
World Between Wars is suited for any tabletop role-playing game set in the 1920s or 1930s. This era includes jungle adventures, superheroes, mobsters, private eyes, spies, otherworldly horror, exotic locations, sky pirates, and dieselpunk inventions.
The Great Book of Random Tables: World Between Wars - DriveThruRPG
The Great Book of Random Tables: World Between Wars - Amazon
This volume comprises D100 and a few D10 random tables from The Book of Random Tables: Pulp, The Book of Random Tables: 1920s-1930s, The Book of Random Tables: Eldritch, with a few from The Book of Random Tables: Noir.
The original 85 random tables have been edited, reorganized, and improved, plus 39 new tables have been added for a total of 124. The thematic arrangement has also been altered by adding elements of dieselpunk.
As the world recovered from one war and held its breath before another; adventure, crime, and intrigue spread across the globe. Find lost treasures, defeat Nazi agents, explore the unexplored. Sprinkle some horror and dieselpunk to complete the recipe for fantastic role-playing fun.
Whether your players are exploring a forgotten temple like Indiana Jones, plumbing the depths of the old gods like Lovecraft, untangling a web of lies like Sam Spade, or taking to the skies to right wrongs like the Rocketeer, World Between Wars is the resource to help you fill in details and weave deeper stories.
The world is in peril from forces natural, supernatural, and technological; and adventure awaits all who stand against them.
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Dicegeeks Update
While you are reading this, I'll be at DieCon. It should be a busy weekend of selling books and experiencing cool games.
Also, if all goes according to plan, I'll be attending Gen Con this year! I have never been able to attend before, so I'm very excited. I'm just going as a fan, hoping to soak it all in. Perhaps, I'll see some of you there.
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