Survey Results - dicegeeks
Survey Results
Last week I sent out a survey and here are the results. I'll respond below.
Keeping It Real - Update
Thank you very much to everyone who took the survey. Your answers will help with planning and creating in the future.
I received some feedback indicating that people do not like subscriptions and Kickstarters. Frankly, I'm not wild about them either. However, with the Big Five publishers moving into the RPG space on Amazon, I'm feeling squeezed as a one-person creator. I will continue to think of other ideas.
Regarding the first question, I've had a couple of conversations with a trusted friend who is a developer about an app with random tables. I'm still considering this option, but there are many things to think about.
It seems the majority of you do not want a private game master community, which is fine.
Based on the response to the third question, it looks like I'll be doing a Kickstarter for a massive tome of random tables at some point. I've already started researching successful Kickstarters. Before launching one, I'll likely need to put more effort into my YouTube channel to build a bigger audience.
No Kickstarter for an original RPG system, at least according to this survey. However, I will say that I have been working on a new system. After all, what self-respecting forever GM doesn't have a new system in their back pocket? Since this doesn't seem popular, and every other creator is running a Kickstarter for an RPG system right now, I'll hold off for now.
For the last question, The Great Book of Random Tables 2 looks like it will be on its way. I'd like to add high-value tables and get some more proofreading, of course.
I have other random table books in the works as well. More are coming!
Book News - Vikings Paperback
The Book of Random Tables: Vikings is now in paperback on DriveThruRPG.
These are my newest books and a PDF if you missed them.
As I mentioned above, more books are on the way.
I have another decade book in the works. These types of books aren't bestsellers, but I enjoy making them for GMs who don't have a lot of resources.
I've started a few other books, and one may involve ninjas. Stay tuned.
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