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No Campaign Ending - Quick GM Tip
Planning an ending to an RPG campaign creates a host of issues for game masters. An obvious exception to this is a planned short campaign (3 to 6 sessions) for trying out a new system or new character concepts in D&D.
However, you know what I'm talking about: the massive campaign with no clue how long it will last, but the characters need to defeat the rising evil darkness in the usurped fortress when they reach level 20.
The problem: Players must follow certain steps to reach the big bad or find clues to solve the mystery. It also creates issues with balancing encounters because who wants Sarah's character, the heir to the fallen empire, to die before the climax of the campaign? It also means players must have complete buy-in to whatever the GM is running; any wavering causes group problems.
The solution: Don't plan the ending. In fact, don't plan any of the plot. Allow the players to drive the action and use hooks in their backstories to increase their interest (and introduce elements you are interested in).
Example: A group of fantasy adventurers with shady pasts have banded together. Now, the GM asks, what do you want to do? Find my father's murderer! Become wealthy and buy a manor house! Great, but you're broke. What do you want to do? Capture criminals and collect the bounties? Sounds great, how do you start...
Example 2: A group of science fiction adventurers with shady pasts have banded together. Now, the GM asks, what do you want to do? Prove my innocence! Open a spaceport bar! Great, but you're broke. What do you want to do? Haul cargo in our old freighter to make some credits? Sounds great, how do you start...
In this model, the players are fully engaged and working toward goals. Plus, the campaign can simply be paused when a new system or game wants to be played and can always be restarted or used as one-shots.
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